Where will it happen ?
Google’s map Guipavas for the city center Address :Mairie de GuipavasPlace Saint-Éloi29490 Guipavas Google’s map Locmaria-Plouzané for the reception place Address :LyminaPen ar Ménez29280 Locmaria-Plouzané
The website for the wedding in 2024 where you have to be !
Google’s map Guipavas for the city center Address :Mairie de GuipavasPlace Saint-Éloi29490 Guipavas Google’s map Locmaria-Plouzané for the reception place Address :LyminaPen ar Ménez29280 Locmaria-Plouzané
Please use the form below to confirm us your presence to our wedding
Actually, eating should be a good thing. But (yes, there is a “but”) : We don’t know yet. So…we can say it’s “To Be Defined”